Ribbon Cutting: Pilates Loft Fitness
You're Invited to a Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening at Pilates Loft Fitness
Join us for a ribbon cutting celebration on Wednesday, September 20, to welcome Pilates Loft Fitness to the Mendota Heights community. We will cut the ribbon at 4:30 PM; there will be giveaways, snacks, drinks, tours, and you can meet the instructors.
4:00 PM Grand Opening begins
4:30 PM Cut the Ribbon
5:30 PM Grand Opening concludes
About Pliates Loft Fitness:
Pilates Loft Fitness is your home for STOTT PILATES® and all things related to fitness using proper body mechanics that stem from Pilates. Their goal is to deliver authentic Pilates in an intimate setting where their clients will be able to strengthen, transform, and restore. They are fun, collaborative, approachable, and they know the human body. If you’re looking for a personalized Pilates experience, or a way to integrate Pilates into your fitness regimen, go check them out!

Ribbon Cutting: Pilates Loft Fitness
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM CDT
750 Main Street, Suite 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Contact Information
Becca Scholz
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