Member Listed Event: VIRTUAL REFINE Gathering
A networking group where like minded women meet to grow personally + professionally + in their faith.
An awesome space where you can connect, collaborate and grow your business/career and invest in yourself.
At the Refine Gathering you will be:
• renewed by get grounded in the word
• encouraged, understood and empowered
• fulfilled by being a blessing and be blessed by other women
• inspired to embrace who you are unapologetically
• nurtured by connecting with amazing like-minded women
• equipped to take action and your next steps with purpose
Come as you ARE! Do life with us! Together we grow personally, professionally, and in our faith!
To Register for the Refine Gathering »» http://refinecommunity/vipguest
*use the name Kim Leqve in the "who were you referred by box and be my guest for FREE*
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 4, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
The first Wednesday of each month
9:30am to 11:00am CST
From the comfort of your own home, office or where ever you choose to log onto your computer and join us!
To Register for the Refine Gathering »» http://refinecommunity/vipguest
*use the name Kim Leqve in the "who were you referred by box and be my guest for FREE*
Contact Information
Kim Leqve
Send Email